Business Challenges

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Navigating Unique Challenges: Strategies in Circular Start-Ups (CSUs)

Circular Start-Ups (CSUs) are a unique and rapidly evolving sector within the circular economy, facing a combination of common and distinctive barriers. This research aims to shed light on the nuanced pictures of barriers faced by CSUs, contributing to a deeper understanding of their challenges and their positioning within the circular economy landscape.

Navigating Unique Challenges: Strategies in Circular Start-Ups (CSUs) Read More »

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Succession in Family Businesses: How to Transfer Knowledge Across Generations and Cultures

Growing up in a family business, I’ve always been intrigued by the unique dynamics of family enterprises. What makes family businesses particularly fascinating is the intricate interweaving of family and business, making it challenging to disentangle them. As the adage goes, the first generation establishes the business, the second generation nurtures it, and the third

Succession in Family Businesses: How to Transfer Knowledge Across Generations and Cultures Read More »