Test survey

Your Organisation
We are trying to understand what are the training and development needs different organisations have and in which areas they struggle to find training and development providers.

This would help us develop our expertise in the niche market areas. This survey is designed to comprehensively assess the training and development needs within your organisation.

By gaining insights into the specific areas where your staff and executives require support and development. This should take around 6-8 minutes to complete.

Your full name*

Name of your organisation*


Contact number (with countrycode)

Sector in which your organisation operates*

Number of people who work at your organisation*



Are you accredited by any centres? If so, kindly provide a list; otherwise, please indicate “No” or “Not Applicable.”*

Training and Development Needs
Lets learn about your training and development needs

Is your organisation predominantly a service based organisation or a products based organisation?*

Who is the decision maker for commissioning new training and development activities in your organisation?*

Does your organisation have a learning management system (LMS)?*

– If you have an LMS, which system do you use?

– If you have an LMS, what do you use it for? (please list activities, courses, tests, etc.)

When does your organisation decide on which training would be conducted?*

How immediate are your training needs?*

What are the three biggest frustrations your organisation faces? (learning and general frustrations)*

In which areas does your organisation need training the most? (Select as many as needed)*

What other training and development needs does your organisation have? (If none, please write “Not Applicable”)*

What methodology of training is preferred at your organisation?*

Does organisation prefer face-to-face training and development activities or online*

For most training and development activities, how many people are the recipients?*

What is the ideal number of participants you would like to have in most of your training sessions?*

What type of training material would you prefer to receive?*

What type of training and development activities are the hardest to find for your organisation? (Please provide details)*

Would you like trainers to follow up with you after the training?*

Which training sessions have been highly valued and well-received by participants? (List with short reasons for their high value or well-received)*

Does your organisation conduct training by levels involving different layers of management?*

On average, how frequently does the senior leadership of the company engage in training sessions (as participants) with operational staff?*

What on-boarding and familiarisation training is provided to new staff members?*